
Friday, February 26, 2010

Mamas Treasure Chest

Hey ladies I wanted to give you a gift...a Treasure Chest. I know you say that's too much you shouldn't have...but shush...stop it! right know! Yes, I should have you deserve it and everything that's in it.

I really do wish I could physically hand each and every one of you a Treasure Chest but them it wouldn't be yours, not really. You ll understand in a moment.

In my closet, way on the top shelf sits a beautiful box. Its rather big, it takes up half the shelf and the jeans next to it are pressed for room. But this box means more to me than a fussy ill only fit you on a good day pair of jeans. This box is the I am here for you, go ahead take a nice long soap in the tub, I can spot you $40.00 so you don't have to cook dinner type of box. This is the last minute you have the house to yourself for the day what are you going to do with it box.

OK I know you are intrigued. I went a few years ago and purchased my lovely box, just for this purpose. I then slowly started to fill my box will all the things I would love to pamper myself with. I got travel size bathing and skin products and Crabtree & Evelyn (Only use the bath size or you will find reason to snitch them otherwise). A small sampler box of Godiva Chocolates and a box of tantalizing teas. A couple of my favorite magazines, I could not peek between the covers. A CD by Enya, incense, special candle, a new fuzzy pair of socks, the kind you don't wear out because they are too poofy to wear around the house. And anything that crossed my path that I felt I could pamper myself with. Then I slipped a pretty envelope in and started dropping cash in it.

OK now that you have this glorious tantalizing treasure chest what do you do with it? Well, you wait. And if your husbands like mine his inspiration to give you a day off is last minute. And you will usually wind up doing chores of some sort. But this time! HA! You are armed and ready. You don't even have to cook dinner...remember that cash you have been slipping in the envelope each week? can you say Pizza? On your special treasure chest day if your home isn't the way you want it set the clock for thirty minutes work first on the rooms you will be in, then if you have time do the others. What I do so I am not spending more than fifteen minutes is I make Friday my cleaning day. Lets face it if our husbands are going to give us a day off its usually on a Saturday or Sunday. I can just about time mine and even arrange it so I get him to come up with the idea to make a visit to Mama's when I need him too. If you can do that then you can arrange to have a special lunch for yourself. I make sure I pick up something at the groceries store, the frozen food isle Amies has a great Spinach pizza, or one of the Italian companies (cant remember the name) eggplant Parmesan.

I know this is allot to consider, but all you have to do is buy a box. I didn't fill mine in one night, it took several weeks. And I used my left over Cash from groceries shopping. But the next time you just want to run and get a hotel to have some don't have to go far, you don't have to go at all. Just use your magic on your husband so that he comes up with the brilliant idea to take the kids for the day. While his mind is churning up the idea, you are quietly cleaning the house and lovingly eyeing the box in the top of your closet.

When the day is done, Mom is refreshed the house is still clean, dinner is on its way and you are loving your family by loving yourself so much.

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