
Monday, August 16, 2010

Making Great Potted Plants

Zebrina, Royal Standard Hosta and Strip Tease Hosta
I enjoy gardening in containers,  I have quite a few around my yard and on my porches.   

The trick to a great potted plant is to:
Get plants with the same needs; likes water or doesn't like water.
Locate it properly; sun loving plants in the sun and shade loving plants in the shade. 

The union pictured above  and below really likes bright shade.  I made two of the combinations above using galvanized  watering container.  You can get these at any hardware store but do not by the paint pails they are not galvanized and they will rust.  I purchase the three plants mentioned above and split them all in two. And divided them between the two containers.  My containers get watered once a day, twice if its really hot.  I also feed my  potted plants once a week.     I use a pump sprayer with organic liquid fertilizer.
My New Lovely Sitting Area
Sometimes one pot is enough to fill an area other times you need more.  Rule of thumb to make a please display always use an odd number of containers. 
I had an area that was boring...the lawn seemed to come to a dead end with no purpose (pictured above after adding pots and hard scape).  So I gathered things that I had and bought a few plants and turned a boring spot into a lovely sitting area. 

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