
Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Jodie Home (Music) Making and I are so excited to be giving away this Penny Whistle (from Jodie) and...
the Owl Penny Whistle cozy (from Me).
All you have to do is:
Leave a comment of what type Jam, Jelly, Preserve or Spread recipe you want to see from me.  
And what type of music CD you would like to hear from Jodie. (as for me I want Christmas).
The winner will be drawn on October 15, 2010.
And an e-mail will be sent to you.
Good luck!


  1. Peach preserves are my favorite.
    Definitely Christmas music!

    My daughter would love this penny whistle. She is a born musician - singing her way through life. She plays mandolin too and wants to learn guitar - all at 7 yrs old.

    myyearinhaiku at gmail dot com

  2. all time fave is blackberry jam (with the seeds!) but i would also love to see a recipe for fig. i agree with you on the christmas music. it would be nice to have some more options there. thanks for the sweet giveaway opportunity! :)

  3. I would love to see a carrot jam and I too am anxious for Christmas music! :)

  4. Wow! Lovely things! I know 5 little children who would have fun with these things when they visit their nana and papa.

  5. oooh I am so excited to be the first to be the first to comment.

    Lemon Curd is a fav so I would have to choose that. :)

    And I would like some circle time music, so I would enjoy Jody recording some.

    I have one of her pennywhistles for Thomas so would like another for Olli. So this giveaway is perfect....

    It was so nice to see your banner on Natural suburbia, I have never visited your blog before, but am going to cruise around now. :)


  6. what a lovely giveaway
    i love nature mucic and
    strawberry jam :)))

  7. Thank you all for your dear comments. For those of you who I am not able to look up your e-mail under your profile. Please e-mail me that information in case you win. My e-mail is to the left under the Welcome Door.

    Good Luck to you all

  8. What a beautiful, happy penny whistle case - it's just perfect! Blueberry jam and festival music!

  9. I would be very interested in Christmas music for the penny whistle and for a recipe for lemon curd.

    My daughters love owls!

  10. So Many Jam lovers...Oh I don't think there is a spread that I don't like

  11. I like STRAWBERRY. Or something small batch that you can eat with a spoon. No jar boiling required.:D

    Does Jodi have a music for every day CD? Wake up songs, put the dishes away songs, bedtime songs! (Christmas music seems to be carrying the day, though!)

  12. I would love to learn how to make a plum preserve. (Or perhaps a tomato jam?) Yum!

    What a wonderful, sweet giveaway!

  13. What a great giveaway...what about a fig jam? And I would love to hear some Christmas music as well.

  14. We love owls! Hmmm, rose hip jelly would be nice -- 'tis the season!! And on that note, I agree with many others' votes for Christmas music.

  15. Something unusual? Spicy peach with jalepenos or something sweet/spicy would be interesting. Thanks for offering the giveaway!

  16. cherries please... but i am thinking summer.
    thank you for the chance at such a lovely give away.

  17. My children would love a penny whistle! The cover is so sweet.

    I love strawberry jam and we would love a CD of simple children's folk music.

    Warm wishes, Tonya

  18. Jam, well they are all good, but my favorites would have to be a spiced peach and blackberry. As for music, I would have to agree with Christmas or simple circle time or tansition songs.

    Thanks for the chance.

  19. Wow! So many people have signed up for the giveaway. Don't forget to contact me and give me your e-mail or I wont be able to contact you as the winner.

  20. Wow! Look at all these comments! This is very exciting Forrest. I can't wait until we choose a winner!!!

  21. Oh yes - Christmas! Christmas!!!! I love the holidays and am hoping to teach the twins a few traditional ones this year !!!

    As far as jams go - I love so many different kinds, but my girls are traditional strawberry lovers, so I'd love to see one I could make for them. Thanks for a fun giveaway to you both!!!!

  22. Could you do a rose petal jam? And any "autumn music" would be great!

    Thanks so much for this giveaway- I heart the cosy and would love to learn to play the whistle.

    Enjoy autumn,

  23. Pumpkin butter! (I'm itching to make it now that Autumn is here)!
    And for music...I think seasonal songs would be nice!
    xo maureen


  24. Such a turn out and thank you for leaving such wonderful comments.

  25. Oooh, mango jam would be delicious and I am torn between children's folk music and christmas/winter music. I'll go with folk music. Thanks for such a great giveaway.

  26. Nolan Mesler would like to enter the contest, he likes blackberry jam and would like for me to make a rock CD, which I have a couple of rock songs that I have already written, so it is possible! But he would like to win the snake cozy.

  27. how about lemon preserve? sweet but sour.... I'd love Christmas music, but also 3 part harmonies in heart warming tunes....
    thank you!

  28. I'd love to see a recipe for apricot preserves. And, I also would love to see a holiday music CD, representative of lots of different faiths, traditions and values to enhance our multicultural singing and learning.

  29. Raegan loves apple jelly! As for Jodie, I very much want to see her put a festials CD together! Love ya'll both. Jessica

  30. Raegan loves apple jelly! As for Jodie, I would love to see her put together a festivals CD. Love ya'll. Jessica

  31. I was waiting for Apple! Since it is the fall season. And Pumpkin Oh my that just sounds wonderful.
    Jodie behave you cant enter your own contest. Silly Song Writer ;p

  32. APPLE!! 'tis the season! and as for music - I'd love a collection for festivals.

  33. A very pretty penny whistle cover! Songs for the season are always nice and of course I'm a berry lover - so anything berry would be nice.

  34. I love marmalade on toast for a breakfast treat . . . but does that count as a jam? How about Apricot??
    As for music I an trying to build my "bank" of simlpe seasonal songs

    Thanks for the chance to win such a fantastic prize

  35. I just received a bucket of apples, so I would love a receipe for apple butter. I also like the idea of christmas songs but could always use songs that support daily rhythms.

  36. Any jam or spread that is GAPS-friendly ..... hence no sugar!

    Maybe music to prepare and comfort for life events like ... dentist visits, illness, separation, bumped knees, new siblings etc!

  37. I would love to see a recipe for pepper jelly -- I love the sweet and spicy combination.

  38. So Many little time. But I do believe my crab apple tree is calling me...Humm How many jellies can I do? Hey I will do it the proper way...let the kids decide.

  39. Cranberry orange jelly for the holidays & definitely Christmas!

  40. what a lovely cover. my children love to make music and a penny whistle would be right up their alley! thanks for such a great giveaway!

    i'd love to see an elderberry jelly recipe or a pumpkin butter recipe. yum!

    music wise, folk music for children would be fun.


Joyfully I read my comments and will respond to them here. I appreciate your thoughts, ideas and words.
Thank you for leaving them.