
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Home For Sale

Well, we finally have taken the plunge and our little cottage is on the market. 

This was our first home and we will always have a special place in our hearts.  We are leaving it more beautiful than when we got it and for that I am proud.  It will fill others life's as it has filled ours.

So please enjoy this tour of our little home. 

Say a prayer to St. Joseph for us and for a quick sale and that everyone involved  is blessed.

This is the first step for the Duvall's in their new adventure.

We will be living full time in our Camper once our home is sold and will probably trade up to something bigger.  

We hope to be living on Lake Altoona or Lake Lanier.  Or maybe even a little of both.  Both offer wonderful COE campgrounds as well as State.  

We have done a few trial runs with home schooling.  And it seemed to go better than at home. 
Even with our Fabulouse school room filled with light.

But it seems sitting out at a pic-nick table doing Math has its advantages too.  And lets not forget Spelling words with giant chalk on the campsite drive, skipping rope while reciting sums, writing letters to friends.  Or sitting by a fire reading.    

   OH, I could go on and on.
We are fortunate to have found a  wonderful Realtor Julie Osborn she is with Harry Norman Realtors.             

She has set up a very nice page on our home if you want to see more photo's click on link at bottom of page.

Though I am not advertising for Harry Norman and Julie.  I must say I am impressed. 

Harry Normans delivers a high standard of professionalism and marketing.  And Julie is the type of person you could be friends with, you know she is right there for you and knows what she is doing.


  1. You have a lovely home. Good luck on your new adventures. I can relate a little bit;)

  2. oh what a nice,
    romantic house
    there, I'd like to live
    but it's a bit far
    you will not miss?


Joyfully I read my comments and will respond to them here. I appreciate your thoughts, ideas and words.
Thank you for leaving them.