
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

WIP Wednesday

I am moving forward working on each of these for the time being.  OK well it is kinda slow, very slow...but it is still movement, And I do love creating.
I am going to have to find some more fabric I like for my yo-yo quilt.  Looks like a trip to the fabric of our favorite things to do...girl day and a Super Sized craft store...we must get a late' on the way.
I had to unravel 80% of my shawl...UGH! it had started going crooked.  I so hate it when that happens...This is my "Take With Me" project and right now Trinity is out of Gymnastics so not too much is getting done on this one right now.  But next week she will be flippin' and I will be knittin'.

I have gotten much-much further on this one...It now has the red wool felt backing ( I had to re-stitch around every circle to attach it properly) Lesson Learned.  And I have started another and final row of Penny Rug Circles. I will show you it finished and in the lovely room I have been working on. No peeking.     

I so love this saying...and look at all the lovely abundance I am creating out of joy.  


  1. I have just been reading about yoyo projects this week - I had no idea you could join them up to make things, I thought they were more like embelishments.

  2. I'm so sorry about your shawl..Hopefully it will turn out better this time!! I especially love the yarn you chose for your shawl !!

  3. Your yo-yo's are sweet.
    I love the long color stripes of your shawl. I just finished one with long color stripes, love it

  4. Hannah, actually I think they first started out as quilts and then we decided they could be other things.
    Thanks so much, yes I like the yarn too.

    With All that I Am
    Carrie "The Handmade Homemaker"

  5. I'm intrigued by the pile of yo-yo's for a quilt. I am not sure I have ever seen a yo-yo quilt before. I am off to google it now. Thanks for sharing, I may have a new discovery on my hands.


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