
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

WIP - Yo Yo Quilt, Slippers and Cross Stitch

I have been busy while I was away...I also worked on my Hexipuffs and finished reading Ruby Holler...It is on my Must Read list. It was really Good I am now reading Emily of New Moon by L.M. Montgomery.  A few readers suggested her books to me.  So I thought I would grab it my last visit to the Library.
OK enough Chit Chat here are some photos of what I have been up to.

The slippers, I know they look like a fact you cant even tell what they are.  They are such a pain, I have been making up the pattern as I go along and I keep on tearing out and re-doing.  But I want them to be super-duper special and I am determined to make frogging this one.
I had purchased two yards of some wonderful fabrics I found and went Yo-Yo crazy.  When I got home I just had to lay them all out on my bed.  Aren't they lovely? Yum!  I just love the colors.  This has been such a fun project.  First I adore hunting through fabric stores for my pink roses, then seeing it all laid out on the counter when they go to cut it....Devin!  And the cherry on top is when I hand them my coupon for 40% off.  I guess this is my coupon quilt.
Gosh darn it...I didn't realize how dark my photos were. Sorry.  I finished this cross stitch some time ago, I need to have it framed. Ya know how you finish things and then set them aside.  I need to get my coupon out for framing at the Hobby Lobby and just get it done and hung.

I hope everyone is getting those WIPS done.  Oh I almost forgot I got my shawl done I need to block it...see I just tossed another finished project aside again.  UGH!

Happy Wednesday Everyone


  1. They look like little drink umbrellas! Very cute :-)

  2. Your slippers look interesting. The yo yo's now I have seen those but can't work out how to make them or what to do with them once completed. Can't wait to see them become a FO

  3. Lovely colours in your slippers. Looking forward to seeing those done. No pressure of course.
    Gorgeous. Cross stitch it will be pretty framed so you can admire it always.
    Enjoy the story.


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